
Enhancing Boundaries: Best Native Plants for Hedging

Posted by Reb Mc at

Hedging is not just about creating boundaries; it's about adding beauty, biodiversity, and functionality to outdoor spaces. When it comes to hedging, native plants offer a myriad of benefits, from providing habitat for wildlife to requiring less maintenance and water. In this blog, we'll explore some of the best native plants for hedging, highlighting their suitability, resilience, and ecological value.

  1. Pittosporum Tenuifolium (Kohuhu): With its dense growth habit, glossy foliage, and versatility, Pittosporum tenuifolium, commonly known as Kohuhu, is an excellent choice for hedging. Native to New Zealand, Kohuhu adapts well to various soil types and climates, making it suitable for hedging in a wide range of conditions. Its small, fragrant flowers attract pollinators, while its dense foliage provides privacy and shelter for birds.   There are many different varieties of Pittosporum available for hedging offering variations in leaf, texture and colour.

  2. Griselinia Littoralis (Broadleaf): Broadleaf, is prized for its lush, green foliage, fast growth, and tolerance to harsh conditions from coastal to alpine. Native to New Zealand, Broadleaf is an ideal choice for a classic dark green hedge in windy or exposed areas, where it can provide effective shelter and privacy. Its dense growth habit and evergreen foliage make it an attractive option for year-round screening and hedging.   

  3. Corokia Cotoneaster (Wire Netting Bush): Corokia cotoneaster, commonly known as Wire Netting Bush, is a distinctive native shrub with tangled branches and small, silver-green leaves. Native to New Zealand, Wire Netting Bush offers an alternative unique appearance with tight tangled growth in silver and black tones for a contemporary looking hedge.  Also being very hardy to coastal and alpine conditions it is an ideal choice for a low maintenance and resilient hedge. It forms a dense hedge that is ideal for creating informal boundaries or adding texture and interest to garden borders.

  4. Coprosma Species (Mirror Plant): Coprosma species, also known as Mirror Plants because of their glossy shiny leaves, are native to New Zealand and renowned for their colorful foliage and resilience. With a variety of species and cultivars available, Coprosma offer a range of options for hedging, from vibrant greens to shades of red, orange, and yellow. Their compact growth habit and drought tolerance make them well-suited for hedging in coastal gardens or dry, sunny locations.

  5. Olearia Species (Daisy Bush): Olearia species, or Daisy Bushes, are native to New Zealand and prized for their profusion of daisy-like flowers and aromatic foliage.  Daisy Bushes are extremely tough especially dry, coastal and windy situations.   They have dense growth habit and tolerance to wind and salt spray, Daisy Bushes make excellent hedging plants for coastal gardens or exposed sites.   The aromatic vanilla scented flowers are prolific making them attractive to pollinators and provide habitat for native insects and birds, enhancing the ecological value of the hedgerow.

  6. Leptospermum Scoparium (Manuka): Leptospermum scoparium, or Manuka, is a hardy native shrub with small, aromatic leaves and delicate white or pink flowers. Native to New Zealand, Manuka is valued for its medicinal properties, as well as its ornamental appeal. It forms a dense hedge that is ideal for creating privacy screens, windbreaks, or informal garden borders. Manuka attracts pollinators and provides habitat for native wildlife, making it a valuable addition to hedgerows.

  7. Corokia sp. - Corokia or Korokia are an attractive and distinctive group of plants that are very suited to hedging.  They have strong growth, are able to withstand harsh conditons such as dry, coastal and alpine.   Their tight growth habit and interesting colour variations with the common theme of silver tones and dark stems makes them a very suitable choice for hedging.     Corokia hedges are stunning when they flower producing masses of yellow star shaped flowers that are very attractive to bees.  Following flowers they produce masses of attractive red or yellow berries that are a great food source for native birds.  There are so many attractive options when choosing Corokias from the traditional tough varieties like Corokia Red Wonder, Corokia Yellow wonder, Corokia Bronze Knight to the dark tones of Corokia Frosted Chocolate, or the freshness of Corokia Geentys Green, or dwarf varieties such as Corokia Leprechaun for the lower hedge.   Check out Corokia hedge options here

Native plants offer numerous benefits for hedging, from their adaptability and resilience to their ecological value and ornamental appeal. Whether you're creating a formal boundary, a privacy screen, or a wildlife-friendly garden, incorporating native plants into your hedgerow can enhance the beauty, biodiversity, and functionality of your outdoor space. By choosing native species that are well-suited to your local climate and conditions, you can create a sustainable and thriving hedge that enriches the landscape and supports native wildlife for years to come.

Check out hedges available now

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