Dodonea Viscosa
Dodonea viscosa - Green Ake Ake, a close cousin to the Purple Ake Ake, is remarkable for its vivid bright green colouring and ability to handle tough conditions.
Ake Ake makes an interesting feature tree, with it's papery bark, gnarled growth and light green foliage. Left alone it will quickly grow into a medium sized tree. In the smaller garden it can be trimmed to be kept small, and requires very little maintenance to keep looking good. Ake Ake also responds well to harder clipping, making it a beautiful, low maintenance hedge or sculpted bush.
Ake Ake is tough and reasonably fast growing. It is able to handle salt winds and coastal conditions, and is especially good in dry and drought prone environments. It is not suitable for areas that experience heavy frosts for prolonged lengths of time, but is fine with moderate frosts experienced in low altitude inland locations.
Ake Ake produces small flowers followed by papery seed capsules. It is attractive to native birds and bees and will help attract these to your garden.
- Clip for hedge 50cm - 1.5m
- Lightly trim for screen or small tree 2-3m
- Unclipped Tree 5-8 metres
- Shade - Full sun
- Grows in wet or dry climates.
- Very hardy to drought
- Tolerates wind and coastal exposure
- Moderate frosts only
- Evergreen
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